The Braintree Chamber of Commerce participated in the Rapid Recovery Plan for South Braintree Square during the summer and fall of 2021. The Braintree Rapid Recovery Team was made up of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, MAPC (Principal Planner, Ralph Willmer), the Braintree Planning and Zoning Departments (Planning Director, Melissa Santucci-Rozzi and Zoning Planner, Connor Murphy), Braintree Chamber of Commerce (Chair, Kim Kroha), and District 5 Town Councilor (Meredith Boericke).
Contributions to the program from MAPC and subject matter experts on each identified recovery goal was funded by a state grant. The Local Rapid Recovery Planning (RRP) program is a key part of a strategy established to help communities stabilize and grow the Massachusetts economy as a result of the economic impacts brought on by COVID-19. In support of the overall recovery strategy, the Baker Administration made $9.5 million in awards for 125 communities to create Local Rapid Recovery Plans, through the MA Downtown Initiative Program. These plans address the impacts of COVID-19 on local downtowns and small businesses by partnering with Plan Facilitators and Subject Matter Experts to pursue locally-driven, actionable strategies. Although the program did not include money for follow up work to implement the goals, there was some funding left over for a distinct project. The Braintree Chamber is excited to announce that MAPC is leading an effort by the team to create a Braintree Business Guide focused on steps for approval of new businesses in Braintree, which has been a goal of the Chamber for many years. Please review the full final report for additional information, but key goals identified and recommendations are listed below.
There is ongoing discussion about how some of these items can actually be implemented, please let us hear from you with any ideas, comments, or questions.
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