2025 NPO Sector Supporters
With 85+ non-profit member organizations within the South Shore Chamber, the NPO Group was formed in 2015, as an affinity group for NPO professionals to come together to share common challenges and best practices. Members collaborate, advocate for shared interests, promote the visibility of non-profits as critical contributors to the South Shore community and further the mission of the Chamber and its regional economic development plan. The Chamber believes non-profits have significant impact on the quality of life in our region and share many of the same issues and concerns as our for-profit peers.
Meet Our
Nonprofit Members!
NetworkingMeet and collaborate with other non-profit professionals at exclusive events such as Annual Meeting, Bagels & Best Practices, Topic sessions, and more.
EducationOffering cost-effective professional development from subject matter experts on topics that are relevant and timely for all NPO professionals.
ResourceProvides an invaluable opportunity to exchange experiences and learn from other NPO professionals. The group works to ensure that the Chamber and its membership are aware of the value they bring to the region.
NPO Group Steering Team
2025 Slate of Members
Rick Doane
Michelle Duggan
Erin Cohen